22 Bishopsgate at dawn
In my previous role as head of arch-vis at River Film, I completed a series of images of 22 Bishopsgate. These photomontage images were designed to illustrate how 22 Bishopsgate would relate to the city around it.
Although completed for some time this image only recently came into the public domain allowing it on our website. This image shows how of 22 Bishopsgate would be seen from Saint Paul’s Cathedral at dawn.
22 Bishopsgate project brings a rare opportunity…
22 Bishopsgate would be a major addition to the London skyline. Because of it’s importance to London, the views from the cathedral are carefully protected. Considering the size of the scheme it was no surprise that a view of 22 Bishopsgate from the top of Saint Paul’s was required.
I was lucky enough to be able to gain access to the Stone Gallery and the Golden Gallery at Saint Paul’s Cathedral. It was from the Stone Gallery that I was able to photograph the sunrise over the City. From these photographs, I would create the backplate for the photo-montage image of 22 Bishopsgate you can see above.
I was there to start taking photographs at first light, the first exposure was at 5:41 am. I continued shooting until 8:30 am. It was a beautiful experience from start to finish. I walked through the Cathedral in the dark before sunrise, I walked through the Whispering Gallery, the vast Cathedral was perfectly silent and still. I climbed to the Stone Gallery and set up to photograph a glorious sunrise over London, the city towers silhouetted by the ever changing sky. It was fantastic and the knowledge that I was capturing such beautiful backplates made the shoot one of the highlights of my career.
Planning and patience…
While there is always an element of luck to get the right conditions my chances of success were maximised by planning and organisation. I waited for the best weather, got there early and was prepared to stay for several hours shooting almost constantly. This meant that back in the studio I had my pick of many stunning images to use as a backplate. The lighting, the clouds the colours, are ever changing as the sun rises. With such great material, the options for a project like 22 Bishopsgate are wide and truly exciting. I hope you like the image. As I said earlier this is one in a series, there are still two more to come…
I would like to thank Oliver Caroe for getting up so early and allowing me access for a such a long length of time to get what I needed.